Basic Usage
1 Login



  • To install the truecallerjs package, run the following command:
npm install truecallerjs


The login function is used to log in to the Truecaller service. It takes a phone number in international format as a parameter and returns a JSON object containing the login request details.

Method Signature

  • phonenumber (String): The phone number in international format.

Return Value

The function returns a Promise that resolves to a JSON object with the following properties:

  • status (Number): The status code of the login request. Possible values are 1 (OTP sent successfully) or 9 (request in pending).
  • message (String): A message indicating the status of the login request.
  • domain (String): The domain associated with the phone number.
  • parsedPhoneNumber (Number): The phone number without the country code.
  • parsedCountryCode (String): The country code associated with the phone number.
  • requestId (String): The unique identifier for the login request.
  • method (String): The method used for sending the OTP (e.g., "sms").
  • tokenTtl (Number): The time-to-live (TTL) value for the OTP token in seconds.


import truecallerjs, { LoginResponse } from "truecallerjs";
async function performLogin(): Promise<void> {
  try {
    const phoneNumber: string = "+919912345678";
    const json_data: LoginResponse = await truecallerjs.login(phoneNumber);
    // Example response:
    // {
    //     "status": 1,
    //     "message": "Sent",
    //     "domain": "noneu",
    //     "parsedPhoneNumber": 919912345678,
    //     "parsedCountryCode": "IN",
    //     "requestId": "6fe0eba6-acds-24dc-66de-15b3fba349c3",
    //     "method": "sms",
    //     "tokenTtl": 300
    // }
    if (json_data.status === 1 || json_data.status === 9) {
      // OTP sent successfully
      // Handle the response accordingly
      console.log("OTP sent successfully");
      console.log("Request ID:", json_data.requestId);
      console.log("Token TTL:", json_data.tokenTtl);
    } else if (json_data.status === 6 || json_data.status === 5) {
      // Verification attempts exceeded
      // Handle the response accordingly
      console.log("Verification attempts exceeded");
      console.log("Status:", json_data.status);
      console.log("Message:", json_data.message);
    } else {
      // Unknown response
      // Handle the response accordingly
      console.log("Unknown response");
      console.log("Status:", json_data.status);
      console.log("Message:", json_data.message);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error occurred:", error);

Note : Make sure to replace +919912345678 with the actual phone number you want to use.

1OTP sent successfully
9Request in pending
6 or 5Verification Attempts Exceeded
  • Save this json in a file or store in a variable. This json will be used to verify OTP in verifyOtp() function.

OTP Verification

  • The verifyOtp function is used to verify the mobile number with the OTP (One-Time Password) received.
import truecallerjs, { LoginResponse } from "truecallerjs";
async function performOtpVerification(): Promise<void> {
  try {
    const phoneNumber: string = "+919912345678";
    const json_data: LoginResponse = await truecallerjs.login(phoneNumber);
    // Example response from login:
    // {
    //    "status": 1,
    //    "message": "Sent",
    //    "domain": "noneu",
    //    "parsedPhoneNumber": 919912345678,
    //    "parsedCountryCode": "IN",
    //    "requestId": "6fe0eba6-acds-24dc-66de-15b3fba349c3",
    //    "method": "sms",
    //    "tokenTtl": 300
    // }
    const otp: string = "123456"; // Replace with the actual OTP
    const res: object = await truecallerjs.verifyOtp(
    // Example response from OTP verification:
    // {
    //    "status": 2,
    //    "message": "Verified",
    //    "installationId": "a1k07--Vgdfyvv_rftf5uuudhuhnkljyvvtfftjuhbuijbhug",
    //    "ttl": 259200,
    //    "userId": 1234567890123456789,
    //    "suspended": false,
    //    "phones": [
    //       {
    //          "phoneNumber": 919912345678,
    //          "countryCode": "IN",
    //          "priority": 1
    //       }
    //    ]
    // }
    if (res.status === 2 && !res.suspended) {
      console.log("Login successful");
      console.log("Installation ID:", res.installationId);
      console.log("User ID:", res.userId);
    } else if (res.status === 11) {
      // INVALID OTP
      console.log("Invalid OTP");
      console.log("Status:", res.status);
      console.log("Message:", res.message);
    } else if (res.status === 7) {
      console.log("Retries limit exceeded");
      console.log("Status:", res.status);
      console.log("Message:", res.message);
    } else if (res.suspended) {
      console.log("Account suspended");
      console.log("Status:", res.status);
      console.log("Message:", res.message);
    } else {
      console.log("Unknown response");
      console.log("Message:", res.message);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error occurred:", error);
2Login Successful
11Invalid OTP
7OTP Retries exceeded

Make sure to replace phonenumber with the actual phone number, json_data with the JSON response obtained from the login function, and otp with the actual OTP received.

The res variable will contain the JSON response from the OTP verification request. You can access the properties of the response to handle different scenarios:

  • If res.status is 2 and res.suspended is false, it means the login was successful. res.installationId, res.suspended, res.phones[0].phoneNumber, and res.phones[0].countryCode properties for further processing.

  • If res.status is 11, it means the OTP entered is invalid.

  • If res.status is 7, it means the number of OTP verification retries has exceeded the limit.

  • If res.suspended is true, it means the account is suspended.

  • For any other response, you can check res.status and res.message for more information.